Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Strange Calls And My Busy Life

 I've been getting odd calls from the same number, though the number itself is a masked number. The phone says it is 000-000-0000. This basically means that someone is illegally masking their number, or you're talking to an operator. Seeing as I've been called about nine times today, I can safely say that I am being trolled by a telemarketer or identity thief. Or something.

On another note, I've figured out my game plan for the rest of my life.

That was a lie.

I figured out my life for the rest of the next few months... or seven. It essentially is me, going to debate tournaments. Also, it's me, working on video projects. I'll be video-ing and debating, all day, every day.

Video Projects:
  • Pottery Barn Goals Contest
  • National Forensics League Presidential Video Contest
  • BeSomebody Video Contest
  • Scholastic Art And Writing Video Contest
  • What's Your Story Video Contest
  • Adobe Youth Voices Contest
  • Etc...
Yeah, so, that's my life in a nutshell pertaining to my videography work.

As for debate, I'm supposed to be working on cases right now, but I totally rage quit.

I felt my cases were inadequate.

At least I know my existence has been vindicated in one way; I updated my blog-thing.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Gah. Blegh. Homecoming Spirit.

I find it somewhat bizarre how I behave. Actually, it's extremely bizarre.

I woke up this morning at 4:30, too excited to sleep, and even put time into my appearance today. I was going to go to the assembly and do absolutely awesome with everything, and everything would be happy. I would go to the parade, maybe be in it, and then go to the Homecoming game.

This does not happen.

Because I am Debby Downer and have crazy connections that I myself don't even understand, I end up seeing something someone said about me on Twitter, which I don't even have an account on, and now my day has been ruined.

This is how fragile my mind is.

Oh, and I dropped my toilet phone. Now, it has strange lines on its screen, and it is extremely hard to text.

Friends are all too busy to text with their Homecoming obligations.

Staying home... like a boss. I have to tell my friend who was going to pick me up I'm not going to the game anymore.

Hoping I can contribute a happier post sometime, if I remember I made a rant blog.